
About the project

Edea is a smaller business developing mobile applications, especially targeting the health care sector. Currently the researchers already collect data through pen and paper-surveys filled out by the patient, which requires a lot of paperwork from both sides, and is very prone to errors along the way. Our apps assist in collecting cohort and patient data in an easy and efficient way.

As the smartphone is an integrated part of many peoples everyday life, we now exploit this opportunity to collect data in a safe and stable way. This means that the risk of losing data is minimized.

Our experience tells us that it is easier for the patients to remember to fill out a form on their mobile as opposed to a paper version, as we here have a possibility of reminding the patient to answer it. This means that the number of missing data values will be decreased, and instead of requiring the researcher to manually input the patient data into a spreadsheet, which may be susceptible to typing errors, the data is instead stored such that it is readily available for the researcher to import into their analysis tool of choice.



Current status

The company has already released an app for both DHC and COPSAC and are currently working on meeting deadlines for Rigshospitalet. They are developing a website and are at the moment working on setting up their growing business.


The team behind

The team behind this project is Maria L. (BSc Software Technology, DTU) with a specialty of marketing, networks and iOS development, and Thomas N. (BSc Software Technology, DTU) with a specialty of back-end and android development.

Wizard Wars

About the project

Wizard Wars is a fun and fast paced multiplayer game for two players on the same device. Each player controls a wizard capable of casting offensive or defensive spells. In the end the outcome is decided by reaction speed, timing and tactics. Whether you’re using a phone or a tablet, Wizard Wars makes it easy to settle your arguments, humiliate your opponents or show off your superior reflexes.

The game generates a small but steady income, by selling an additional spell in-game.

Current status

Wizard Wars is currently released on the Android platform, where it has been downloaded over 200.000 times.

Android app on Google Play

The team behind

Wizard Wars is developed by DTU student Kristian Jagd.